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Non-Vehicular Mobility


Enhancing infrastructure for important non-motorized transportation options such as walking, biking and small-wheeled transport (skates, push scooters, skateboards). 

"Everywhere is within walking distance if you have the time..."
Steve Wright
Key Concepts
  • Universally-Designed Intersections: Technologies such as beacon devices that aid the visual impaired to use their smart phones to cross the street and use buses and transit systems.


  • Smart Mobility Hubs: Central locations where people can connect to multiple modes of transportation in a safe and convenient way.

Peer Smart Community Projects


Buffalo, NY: BNMC Main Street Smart Corridor (2020) - Universally designed intersections use assistive technology to make streets and intersections more accessible and navigable for persons with disabilities.


Minneapolis, MN: Smart Mobility Hubs (2019) - Increases access to convenient, low- or no-carbon transportation options (e.g., transit, shared scooters, "Nice Ride" bicycles).


Columbus, OH: Smart Mobility Hubs (2019) - This project fosters a community of connections and accessibility with increased mobility options and trip planning tools such as public WI-Fi provided at transit centers and on buses.



Focus Group Meetings
In November and December 2021, the CDTC Smart Mobility Team held three focus groups with local government officials, staff and representatives from regional transportation organizations. The discussions focused on learning about the challenges of adopting emerging technologies, managing big data, integrating new technologies into existing organizations and bureaucracies, and other real and perceived limits on implementing Smart Cities projects. View the rebroadcast of the focus group on non-vehicular mobility below. Other focus groups may be viewed here

Key Takeaways Across Focus Group Sessions

Session #2:Non-Vehicular Mobility & Transit 
DECEMBER 1, 2021 2:30PM-4:00PM 
This focus group session covered walking, bicycling, electric-micro mobility, transit, and shared mobility services.

PPT Presentation on Non-Vehicular Mobility & Transit
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