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Smart Mobility Toolbox Project


Building a SMART Region by collaborating across communities to leverage emerging technology and data that improves quality of life.

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Smart Mobility
Focus Areas

Smart community is a designation given to a community that incorporates information and communication technologies to enhance the quality and performance of urban services such as energy, transportation and utilities in order to reduce resource consumption, wastage and overall costs. The overarching aim of a smart community is to enhance the quality of living for its citizens through smart technology."


Focus Areas Gallery
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EV from PPT.png
EV from PPT.png
EV from PPT.png
Non-Vehicular Mobility


Foster connected, safe and accessible human-powered transportation options, including universally designed intersections and smart mobility hubs.

EV from PPT.png
Energy & Infrastructure


Employ complex sensors in infrastructure, such as streetlights, to increase safety, resiliency and energy and maintenance cost savings.

Data Collection & Management

Data collection is a key factor in establishing and enabling decision-making in smart communities.




Create integrated and reliable transit systems using a wide array of smart technologies.

Electric Vehicles


Support and increase EV adoption by increasing availability of charging stations, managing energy loads and collecting data on EV infrastructure.

Smart Traffic Management


Reduce traffic congestion by actively managing traffic using tools such as real-time travel data, curbside management and dynamic parking. 

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