Photo by J.I Garver, Union College
Stockade Project Surveys
Property Owner Basement Survey
The Stockade Resilience Property Owner Basement Survey is now closed.
Based on expert consultation, we now know it’s possible to elevate and/or move every property. The information you provide in a brief survey about basement conditions is critical to estimate costs. We are happy to schedule a visit to complete the survey with you. We will need direct access to the basement and to the exterior of your home to evaluate the foundation walls.
Property Owner & General Surveys
The Stockade Resilience Property Owner Survey is now closed.
The City and a team of consultants are evaluating current conditions in the Stockade Study Area. The preliminary target area for the analysis is bounded by Front Street, the Stockade CSX Rail Line, the Mohawk River and Cucumber Alley.
If you own property in this area, please take the Property Owner Survey below:
Providing information for each property you own will help the team to understand flood impacts and determine whether your property could be eligible for assistance. Your responses to the survey will also help evaluate alternatives and inform selection of the best mitigation measures to assist property owners. Your responses are confidential. Please click here if you would prefer to download and fill out a pdf version of the survey, then e-mail to:
If you do not own property in the study area, but would like to provide input, please take the brief General Survey below:
Note: If you are a former property owner and would like to provide input please fill out the General Survey and we will contact you for further information.